FTP Hacking Introduction This article describes some steps one might take to disable their local school using an FTP server such as NSCA Telnet. Some of the following might not work on your school, but it will hopefully fill your sick little brain with lots of amusing ideas. I have written this article in first person only for effect; I did not really do the following: What I did One day while sitting in my chair I thought of an idea that with a little effort could prove to be very amusing. I called my friend and asked him to help me out. With him having easy access to our schools computer and the Internet he would be an essential key in my plan. The plan was for him to take a disk to his school very late (the reason for going late will be describled below) with two programs on it: 1) NCSA Telnet - cracked so as to not display a guests ip when logging on 2) AppleScript made to bypass AtEase My friends job He went and sat down at one of the terminals, far from the nearest teacher, and popped the disk in. First he ran the applescript to disable AtEase. Then once on the desktop he installed NSCA telnet. He then got the Ip of the computer using NSCA Telnet and used the phone to call me at home and told me the IP. Since the defalt on NSCA telnet is to access the StartUp disk I merely had to type in the ip in fetch and I had full access to that computers HD from my computer at home! Since he decided to go late all he would have to do is put the computer to sleep and say he turned it off and I could do whatever I felt like doing from home! And since the version I was using of NSCA Telnet had been cracked to not show my Ip when I logged on to the FTP server they wouldn't know who had screwed them. My job Now the fun part begins. I, being safely hidden at home, had the whole night to screw around. So what I did first was download their internet config so I had their login and password to their ISP. Now having that I could screw with their website and use their ISP to charge stuff to and to screw around with (until they catch me). Then I deleted their networking preferences and uploaded my own that was previously configured with my personalized name and password so if i ever did go back to that school (which is not likely) I would have access to every computer in that computer lab from one computer. This was the extent of my fun. I know I could have done a lot more but I decided that I didn't hate the school too much. What you can do You might be a little meaner than I was, which is understandable, so here are a few more things that you can do once you have access to their computer through Telnet. I know there are over a billion things possible to do with the schools computer, so keep your minds open and always be thinking of new ideas. The worst one I can think of to do is give their ip out to everybody over hotine or some program like that and tell everyone to upload their worst virii. That would really piss of whoever is in charge at the school. Just remember – be creative, think of stuff on your own, and e-mail your ideas to me. $ $ ## ## $ $ # # # # $$$$ # # # $ $ # # $ $ ACK # # AC |***********************| e-mail- | Happle@mindspring.com | '***********************'